Add students via Manage My Classes

You can add students to your class using: 

Other than the initial steps, both methods are basically the same.
Here, let's add students via Manage My Classes.

  1. Hover over Class Management > Click Manage My Classes.
  2. Click the three dots next to your class > Add Students.


  3. You can add students in three ways:

Usernames are automatically generated for students when they are added.
They can be changed later by the teacher.

1. Enter student names

  1. Click Enter student names.

    Click 'Enter student names.'

  2. Enter the names > Click Done.


After the students are added, you may see these yellow icons next to them.
These icons indicate that the students have not yet logged into their accounts.

Students have not yet logged into their accounts

2. Get students to add themselves

  1. Click Get students to add themselves.

    Click 'Get students to add themselves.'

  2. Students can use the class code to join your class.

    Students can use the class code to join your class.

  3. You can copy a link with the class code and share it with your students.    
    Example link:

    You can copy a link with the class code and share it with your students

  4. Your students will see this when they click the link.

    Your students will see this when they click the link.

3. Upload your class list

  1. Click Upload your class list.

    Click 'Upload your class list.'

  2. Click Download Class Template to download the template which is an Excel spreadsheet.

     Click 'Download Class Template'

    You can also download the template from here:

  3. Enter the details in the template. 

    Enter the details in the spreadsheet

  4. Upload the template.

    Upload the template.

  5. Click Import.

    Click 'Import.'

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