Matific Arena In-Game Progress

Matific Arena In-Game Progress is designed to elevate the thrill of learning and make Matific Arena even more action-packed and engaging!

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Students can now see a real-time progress bar of themselves, their peers and their current rank. Their rank is based on two key factors: the accuracy and speed of their answers. The faster and more accurate they are, the more points they get.

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There may be times when the focus needs to be on the learning process without the added excitement of the progress bar. Therefore, teachers can toggle this feature on/off in teacher-initiated games.
This can be done both per game and class.

Toggle per game

Before starting a game, teachers can toggle the feature.

arena in game progress toggle per game.png

Toggle per class

  1. Hover over Class Management > Click Manage My Classes.
    Click the three dots next to your class > Manage Class Details.
  2. Click Advanced Settings > Click the dropdown menu > Select On/Off Click Save.

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    This will be the default setting for the class.


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