Parent Zone - Apply coupon code

You can apply eligible coupon codes to get a discount on your subscription.
You can apply them when you register or renew your subscription.

Apply coupon code when registering a subscription

  1. When you are registering, under the Start trial step, you can apply coupon codes.
    Click Got a Coupon Code? to reveal a textbox > Apply the coupon code.

    apply coupon register.png

  2. You have successfully applied the coupon code.
    Example: 80% off annual subscription

    applied coupon register.png

Apply coupon code when renewing a subscription

  1. Click Account Details.
  2. Scroll down to Children Details > Click Renew next to the child whose subscription you wish to renew.

    coupon renew.png

  3. Click Got a Coupon Code? to reveal a textbox > Apply the coupon code.

    apply coupon renew.png

  4. You have successfully applied the coupon code.
    Example: 100% off 6-month subscription 

    applied coupon renew.png

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