Placement Test Report

The Placement Test report allows you to:

  • Check which students have completed their placement test(s). 
  • Check which questions were answered correctly/incorrectly, or skipped by each student.

Placement test.png

  1. Hover over Reports > Click Placement Test.
  2. Select a class > Select the whole class or a group.
  3. You can sort the report by student name, total number of questions and the number of correct, incorrect, and skipped questions.

    sort placement test.gif

  4. To set a new placement test:
    Click Set New Test > Select the students to set test for >
    Select learning level of new placement test > Click Set New Test.

    set new placement test.gif

  5. If a student has done multiple placement tests, you can expand the report and view details for each attempt. This will help you track their progress. Only the latest attempt is displayed when the report is collapsed.

    expand placement test.gif
  6. The test outcome column shows whether a student's learning level is equal to the class's year level or not. If any knowledge gaps were found in the student's learning level set in a placement test, their learning level may be decreased.

    placement test outcome.png

  7. If you change your mind about a placement test that you have set, you can unset it.
    Only tests that have a status of Pending can be unset.

    unset placement test.gif

  8. Select a student to view correctly/incorrectly answered and skipped questions for each test attempt.

    placement test student details.png

  9. You can also export the report as an Excel sheet.

    Export placement test.png
  10. You can view details for the class and each student in the report.

    placement test report.gif 

To disable placement tests, view this article

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